Kelihatan disini semakin banyak insan-insan yang berminat dengan bidang photografer ni. Jadi saya mahu berkongsi sedikit basic dan tips yang perlu ada pada seorang "penangkap gambar" sejati. Apa-apa pun mula dari basic:
Always bring your camera
The number one reason why people miss good pictures is because they don't have a camera. Make it a habit to always carry a camera with you, because you never know what you could miss.
Shoot more
If you think you shoot enough - you don't. Especially if you have a digital camera, because there is no added cost to taking more photographs. Why take just one picture if you can take several? Are you in a place you may never visit again? Take a picture, because even the most boring day to day scenes can become historical in just a few years of time.
Trust your eye
Studying laws of composition is fine, but when it comes down to you must trust your eye. When you frame the shot, move the camera and explore the scene. When you find an angle or composition that FEELS good to you, take the picture immediately.
You can (and should) get several more shots.
train your eye
Look at the pictures you have taken and critique your own work. Did the image turn out like you planned? Do you like the composition? This self-review stage is essential for you to improve your photographic "spider-sense".
know your camera
You don't need to memorize every feature right away, but over time you should be comfortable enough so that operating your camera becomes second nature. It's like learning to shift gears or ride a bicycle - only when the machine becomes transparent are you really driving.
always work on a copy
This essential guide is new for the era of digital photography. Remember that until you make a backup copy your digital photo is a one of a kind original. Make it a habit to make copies immediately after loading them from your camera, even before looking at them! Back up your images onto removable media as often as you can.
Untuk skill, kita belajar macamana nak buat LIGHT RAY...
Awas: Dalam bahasa ganu

kalu nok pakai mode (A) appature priority wat gining:
1.Set kam appature no paling besor
2.Nescaye shutter dia akan slow...lagi slow lagi bagus...
3.Kene pakai trepok r, fardu ain Ustaz Azhar royak. Kalu handheld ada handshake udoh lalu la gambo...
4.Pastu tembok r...
5.Dok jadi jugok,tanya balik ambe

kalu guna mode (S) shutter priority wat gining plop:
1.Set kam shutter 30 sec dakpe....komang-komang 2,3 sec tapi klu nak chomey lagi lama r chomey...
2.Pastu pukol je lah...
3.Pakai trepok... mcm beselah,fardu ain.
4.Pastu wak seperti di atas lah jgk...wakaka
*cuma ade sikik syarat.Syarat ye gining:
1. Pasti kam tempat yang kite nak shoot tu di penuhi lalu-lalang oleh kenderaan dop kire muto ke kete ke,kete giling pun bereh gok..klu xdop mende lalu idup 4 kali agi dop jadi...wakakaka
2. Kalu nak chomey time kete byk lalu...klu sutey je dop brape chomey r oram kate...wakakaka
3. Kalu nak kemah paka trepok...wakakaka
4. Try 2,3, kali jgn wat skali puah hati dh...pukol sapa puah,bukang paka filem pong...wakakaka
Nota 1 : Wakaka
Nota 2 : Tripok fardu ain
Nota 3 : Sape nok join Usrah Photografer aka Keluarga Photografer? Hok ade lani, Reza Ganjaguru, Syeikh Amad, Editor Adi Gunawan Sasmitaadmadja..Syaratnya satu je,kene ikut usrah
Nota 4 : Sumber Digital Mukmin dan Forum Digital Mukmin
Nota 5 : Dok pahang? dok pahang sudoh..hahaha
.: Amad ingatkan just in case kalian terlupa :.
belit jugak nak faham :P
As- Guane belit-belit tow...dok cukup togok budu sepenggang...ahaks
Gud,keep it up..harharhar
paham la sekerat dua.hihi=)
trepok itu tripod.
tq..tunjuk ajarmu sifu:)
Muniri- Trepok tu kepok la...hahaha. Betul doh tu,welcome to photograferland muniri is human
dok pahang ambe...ambe xdok kamera, sbb tu dok pahang..
AnjeRuby- Hah,dok pahang? refer ke note 5...wakaka.Ala,camera hp pong jadi,tapi dok leh wat light ray la..
bhasa nganu lagi payoh dri bhase kelate..byk sgt -ng kat blakang..aishh...
Miss Susi- No sweat,no gain...=p
huhu..belit otak nak paham
Matgeo- Belit? ahaks2...refer la kat note 5...
Ok dah 3 org kene refer note 5... bring it on...=)
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